Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 

 3238 Poor House Road
Lawrenceville, VA  23868
(434) 848-0105

          Mother's Day                  Memorial Tributes 

  Sandra Lipscomb  (5-3-1946 - 5-31-2004) 

 My mom always had a smile and was willing
 to help anyone and had a very giving spirit. 
 She was a nurse and I've had people tell 
 me how she cared for their loved ones while
 they were in the hospital. They were very
 appreciative of how much she cared for her
 patients. She had that same spirit for her 
 family and friends. She is truly missed.
 Love you mom

                    Deidra Lipscomb 

     Mom, you have always been my everything. 
         Happy Heavenly Mother’s Day.
      I miss you and will always love you.
                  Sister Mary Walker

   My precious love. Happy Heavenly Mother’s Day. 
   You are so missed and always remembered. 
                  Sister Nannie Wilkins

   Dear Mother, we love you; your memories will be
   forever cherished.  We know you are having 
   a wonderful Mother’s Day in Heaven.
      Deacon Lawrence & Deaconess Corine
​                           Mother Phillips,
             I love you and miss you so much.
                      Sister Rene Phillips
Deaconess Emma Phillips
9-23-1923 - 6-3-2016

Mrs. Lillie Edmonds

My mother was a loving person; she always was watching and willing to 
lend a helping hand   Her motto was manners and respect will carry 
you further than money.

Happy Heavenly Mother’s Day  


          Deaconess Shirley Phillips  

                                      Deaconess Dorothy Wyatt Blick

                                                                                 Sunrise   02-26-1919
                                                                  Sunset 06- 04-2005
On Mother’s Day, I reflect on so many wonderful memories of my mother who was always there
 for me. She was my first teacher at home, church and school. Mom was a lady of great faith who possessed much knowledge, inner wisdom, and prudence. Her greatest gift to me was to introduce
 me to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Through her teachings and her life, her God became my God. Sweet memories of my mother will always linger.

                                                  By Daughter, Jacqueline Blick Boone

7-22-1922 - 3-2-2012


As a parent, one of the most important things they can give their children is the freedom to find their own way in the world. That is exactly what our mother, Julia Mildred Fields Seward, did for us (her children). The love she had for us showed in the way that she parented us over the years (along with our father) even though we may not have recognized it at the time. We definitely appreciate it now. “Encouragement”, along with guidance and support", is the word that describes her action not only to her children, but also to her grandchildren to strive for the best and keep God as the head of our lives. On June 5, 2017; God took back one of his faithful believers, our Mom. We are extremely honored to present this Memorial Tribute to you on this Mother’s Day, May 10, 2020 while you continue to rest in peace with our heavenly Father.  

Love always, 
Gloria Jean, Calvin, Lois, Debbie, Darnell and Alonzo  

    10-29-1933 - 6-5-2017 
                                   Deaconess Shirley Morgan                                     5/30/1947-11/15/2020

You are with us in thought and prayer 
on this special day. Happy Mother's Day.
We love you and thank you for your many 
acts of kindness over the years. Be blessed.

PHBC Missionary Ministry